Dear Vineyard Family,
We are excited to share where God is leading VCF for the next year. This was developed from feedback given after our corporate 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting in the Fall of 2022. There were 4 distinct areas or repeating themes that emerged for us to pursue and develop. We desire to honor God and follow where the Holy Spirit is leading Vineyard to further God’s love and Kingdom! Everyone gets to play at Vineyard, so join us!
Here are the four plays we are going to run in 2023:
Gameplan- Specific areas we are praying about with regards to the 4 major plays.
1) DISCIPLESHIP (Coaching)
At VCF, our goal is for disciples to:
GROW IN CHARACTER: To become more like Christ by: loving God and loving others; understanding how to study the Bible, pray, and serve; knowing how to share your faith; confidence in your identity in Christ; walking in complete forgiveness freedom from flesh patterns.
GROW IN COMPETENCE: Know the Word. Learn, grow, and practice leadership principles.
GROW IN CONFIDENCE: Lead others through the spiritual process themselves. (Colossians 3:12-17)
We desire to see our leaders in every area have an apprentice and coach them up in their area. (2 Timothy 2:1-2)
We desire to see each person grow through being coached and coaching someone else to grow in their relationship with Jesus. This could be as simple as a parent discipling their child as they are being discipled by a more senior saint. (Matthew 28:16-20)
Check out: for more information and contact the office if you have any questions. Training and resources will be offered.
We will engage in prayer with God in more ways before, during, and after our worship services on Sundays. We will grow our prayer teams and their availability on Sundays to come alongside and pray with and for those in need. (James 5:14-16)
We will have a monthly prayer and fasting focus to do individually. This will be the first Friday of each month. You can choose to do a partial fast such as fasting until 3pm, fast dinner to dinner, etc. This is between you and the Lord to seek Him. We will text a focus point to those interested to direct the prayer time. (Acts 12:5)
We will continue our prayer walks in our neighborhood and surrounding areas to seek the Lord’s blessing, direction, and hope into our community.
We desire to see God’s kingdom come here on earth. We desire to be led by the Holy Spirit. We hope to offer training in listening and seeking Him. (John 10:27)
3) NEIGHBORING- (Spanish Translation)
The desire for a Spanish translation service started several years ago. A team was put together but it was not God’s timing (people moved away, Covid). This desire never fully dissolved.
Through connections, more people moving into the community, and the 40 days of prayer and fasting, Spanish translation seems to be something God is leading us to explore and try again to love on our neighbors.
We will offer an online-based translation service and a welcome team of people who are familiar with the language on Sunday mornings during the 1st service. We are excited to see how God leads it from there.
We would love for Our Spanish speaking neighbors to be able to worship in their own community and not have to drive to larger cities to worship. This will open opportunities for friendships, outreach, diversity, and loving our neighbors. (Matthew 25:35, Deuteronomy 10:19, Luke 10:27)
Our heart is to take what we learn and do at Vineyard and share it outside of the building. We are commanded to share that Jesus loves people and desires a relationship with them.
We have been doing Revive style outreaches (praying for others on the street), block parties, FaithHopeLove, Feeding 5000, Hot Chocolate give away(Christmas parade), Water bottle give away (Memorial Day parade), Halloween tracts, prayer walks, mission trips to the Philippines,Operation Christmas Child, etc.
A recurring reality is our need for outreach-based transportation, such as 1 or 2 church vans. The current van, being at least if not more than 25 years old, has been deemed unfit for future service. These new vans could be used for in-church events but intentionally for outreach, such as to pick people/kids up for church from local apartment complexes, give rides to truckers from the truck stop over to church on Sundays, and more. Vans would be more feasible and approachable to find drivers than a bus or commercial driver's license vehicle.
We will continue to explore in 2023 what other outreach opportunities may be for us at Vineyard to fill in the gaps in our community. (Matthew 10:14, Matthew 28:19, Romans 13:8, Philippians 2:3)